Amityville Acupuncture & Wellness
My experience at wellness acupuncture has been phenomenal. I enjoy the doctors as well as the staff. They have been nothing but kind and understanding to my situation. I would definitely recommend them to my friends and family.
S.M. 10/2022 Getting Acupuncture Therapy
The first session will last approximately 60 -75 minutes and includes a full health history and treatment. You will lay comfortable on a massage table with relaxing music during your treatment. Most people get deeply relaxed any many feel it is “more relaxing than a massage.” Upon completion, a customized therapy plan will be developed. Follow up visits last around 60 minutes. The number of sessions required depends on your condition. Many can be treated in 5-12 sessions, while chronic or degenerative conditions may require tune-ups after the initial series of therapy sessions. We use only single-use, disposable needles. The science of acupuncture
The 1997 NIH Consensus Statement on Acupuncture states considerable evidence exists that acupuncture:
eastern philosophy
TCM is based on an energetic model rather than the biochemical model of Western Medicine. The ancient Chinese recognized a vital energy, which they called Qi (pronounced “chee”), in all life forms and life processes. They also discovered a system of Qi circulation along specific pathways or meridians throughout the human body. Each meridian corresponds with a particular internal organ system. It is important to note here that the TCM conception of the internal organs overlaps, but does not directly correspond with our current understanding of the organs. Disease is considered the result of blocked Qi flow or imbalances in other natural states of the body impairing the optimal function of the organs and/or musculoskeletal system. The meridians, which carry the Qi, “communicate” with the organs and musculoskeletal system through surface points on the body called acupuncture points. Each point has a predictable effect on the qi passing through it and the associated organ. Herbal medicine and dietary and lifestyle recommendations also have predictable effects on the flow of Qi and on other natural states of the body. You might think of acupuncture, herbs and dietary and lifestyle recommendations as the tools of the TCM practitioner. custom acupuncture therapy
Treatment used to balance the flow of energy in the body, stimulate nerves, relax muscles and connective tissue. This stimulation boosts the immune system, increases circulation, regulates hormones and improves your mood. Most major medical insurance companies cover acupuncture and massage treatments. No Fault and Workers Compensation also can cover acupuncture as well. Therapy schedule varies depending on condition, severity and general health. chakra balancing crystal treatment
The seven chakras are the centers in our bodies in which energy flows through. Blocked energy in the chakras can often lead to illness. There is a strong correlation between the Chakra energy system and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Through the balancing of the seven chakra's and their corresponding Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians issues involving emotion, physical ailments, immunity and spiritual blockages can be treated. During the treatment crystals corresponding to the seven chakras with be placed on the body in concert with a full, integrated acupuncture treatment. Patients will then lay and use sound and vibration therapy and be treated with aromatherapy while laying on a heated bed letting their qi (life energy) flow freely throughout their body. Come in with the full moon or more to connect, heal and balance yourself with the energy of the universe. wellness weight loss program
A Wellness Weight Loss Program designed with your health in mind. Our 12 step program package includes red light therapy, acupuncture and weekly lifestyle support to help you Live your Life in Balance and loose weight. This program was created for those who want to change their lives to loose weight and get healthy. Our dedicated team of experts will provide support to you throughout the 12 weeks so that you can finally be the weight you want and maintain it! This is not a fad diet or an invasive harmful product that when you stop, the pounds pack back on. This is a way to take control of your life and never turn back. This is a healthy way to loose weight and gain energy, happiness and confidence. Contact us for more information. Don’t waste another day trying to do this by yourself. Do this for you, you deserve this. 12 Week Package is 3x a week for 12 weeks 6 week additional package 3x a week for 6 weeks may be purchased after the 12 weeks are completed. immune boost treatment
Scientific research shows that acupuncture increases the white blood cells in the body and moderates the immune system allowing it to react swiftly and strongly to threats. The Acupuncture Immune Boosting Treatment is an acupuncture protocol that will strengthen your immune system and decrease inflammation in your body, allowing your body to fight allergies, viruses and infections more effectively. vaccine recovery treatment
The vaccination process purposefully activates the immune response to a specific virus. As a result the immune system is working overtime. Acupuncture and cupping therapy helps strengthen immunity while boosting a persons energy and overall health. This treatment helps prepare and recover from an inoculation. The Amityville Wellness vaccination treatment, will help optimize preparation, response and recovery to an inoculation. Our immunization specific treatment, which occurs before and again after the immunization process, targets the effect of each vaccination on the body according to Traditional Chinese Medicine pattern identification. (treatment length depends on patient age) the ninth month treatment
38 Weeks pregnant or more? Try our 9 Month Pregnancy Treatment Can’t wait another minute to carry your baby in your arms rather than in your belly? These techniques help to support your body and baby at the end of your pregnancy by balancing your hormones, decreasing stress, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats and much more. Schedule as Custom Acupuncture Therapy visit. Sleep Better Treatment
Are you having trouble sleeping? You need our Sleep Better Therapy which promotes and improves your sleep. Regulating the hormone melatonin secreted in your brain, so you can rest soundly and recover from your day. Sleep and mental health are closely connected. Sleep deprivation affects your psychological state and mental health. Insufficient sleep can have serious consequences on health, performance, productivity, and happiness. calm the mind treatment
Specific acupuncture points release dopamine and serotonin, for mood regulation…. a peaceful and calming aromatherapy scent is massaged into your body. Acupuncture therapy is a natural method of improving emotional symptoms such as anxiety, depression and stress without the side effects of psychotropic medications. Come in 1-2x a week or more if you are feeling stressed, anxious or depressed. liver detox treatment
Liver Detox Therapy is designed specifically to make sure the body’s detoxifying and elimination processes are working right; meaning nutrients are able to be absorbed and toxins are able to be processed and removed. This treatment includes an all natural detoxifying algae bits, a manual liver dump and massage of the rib-cage which promotes the release of excess heat and toxins. Come in 2x a month or more if you are detoxing from alcohol, sugar, drugs or medications, sicknesses, general health or toxins. |
Acupuncture needles are extremely fine, flexible, and are about the diameter of a human hair. They are nothing like the hypodermic needles we remember as children and no medicine is forced into the muscle. Acupuncture needles are sterile, vacuum packaged, single-use and are disposed of after use. In almost all cases, insertion by a qualified practitioner is performed with a minimum of discomfort. Most patients find acupuncture therapy very relaxing and many fall asleep during therapy. Therapy can also be tailored to patients using acupuncture styles with very shallow needle insertion. For the needle phobic patient, we can help you overcome your fear and many conditions can be well treated with Chinese Herbs only. |
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