Allergies & Sinusitis
Allergies and sinusitis are relatively easy to treat with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. TCM uses metaphors that in many ways allow better diagnosis, differentiation and treatment of allergies than western medical treatments. TCM uses ideas like:
- Dampness – chronic drip and excessive phlegm
- Dryness – itching and redness
- Heat – redness, sore throat, and rashes
- Stagnation – chronic congestion
- Wind – sneezing, coughing and moving rashes
- Qi – general energy level
- Sinus – chronic drip, sneezing, tightness, congestion, chronic infection
- Eyes – Redness, dryness, itching, and chronic tearing
- Ears – dampness, vertigo, chronic infection
- Throat – sore or itchy throat
- Lungs – cough, wheezing, difficulty breathing
- Digestive System – food allergies, indigestion, etc