Acupuncture is a safe and effective therapy for the side effects of cancer, cancer treatment and recovery. Many issues evolve when someone is diagnosed with cancer. Acupuncture can help alleviate many of these disorders, below are the most common.
Amityville Wellness has worked with many cancer patients throughout the years. We have seen the effects of acupuncture and massage on patients who are newly diagnosed, in recovery or remission and it is life changing.
Amityville Wellness offers Complimentary Acupuncture Therapy and Massage Therapy to Oncology Patients through the non-for-profit organization, Mondays At Racine's.
- Pain – Acupuncture facilitates the release of endorphins- the body’s natural pain relievers*
- Neuropathy – Acupuncture improves nerve conduction and accelerates nerve repair*
- Emotions – Acupuncture increases the release of serotonin, reducing fear, distress, depression, and anxiety*
- Nausea and Vomiting – Acupuncture helps increase peristalsis in the digestive tract and improve absorption and mobility in the small intestine*
- Weak Immune System – Acupuncture increases immune proteins in the body*
- Acupuncture used in conjunction with main stream medicine provides the best care for the cancer patient or survivor. “It effectively reduces side effects, enables self-care and control, enhances well-being and quality of life.”*
Amityville Wellness has worked with many cancer patients throughout the years. We have seen the effects of acupuncture and massage on patients who are newly diagnosed, in recovery or remission and it is life changing.
Amityville Wellness offers Complimentary Acupuncture Therapy and Massage Therapy to Oncology Patients through the non-for-profit organization, Mondays At Racine's.