When you come in for an acupuncture treatment at Amityville Wellness, depending on your condition, the practitioner may recommend electroacupuncture otherwise known as stim. Electroacupuncture uses two needles and then connects to a machine that passes a small electric current through the needle. Electroacupuncture helps to block your pain by activating bioactive chemicals in your body. This process may decrease your sensitivity to the pain you’re feeling. It’s also been shown to help reduce inflammation in your body. When you get electroacupuncture, it activates your sympathetic nerve fibers. By activating these fibers, your body releases endogenous opioids such as endorphins, which help to reduce inflammation. The activated nerve fibers may also help to reduce feelings of persistent pain. This makes it a good treatment for chronic pain and stress.
Studies have also found that electroacupuncture may help your body release mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into your bloodstream. MSCs are adult stem cells mostly found in your bone marrow. MSCs help your body create different types of tissues. They also have healing properties. #instagood, #photooftheday, #beautiful, #love, #fashion,#happy, #followme, #like4like, #acupuncture #amityvile #amityvilleacupuncture #wellness #weightloss #microneedling #ozempic #skincare #teamwellness #drhurme #amityvillewellness #natural #agewell #fitnessgoals #beautiful #motivation #viral #followme Book your Appointment today! https://acusimple.com/access/9290/#/appointments/
Rainy weather getting you down? Come in for a mood boost with our Calm the Mind treatment! Specific acupuncture points release dopamine and serotonin, for mood regulation. A peaceful and calming aromatherapy scent is massaged into your body.
Acupuncture therapy is a natural method of improving emotional symptoms such as anxiety, depression and stress without the side effects of psychotropic medications. #instagood, #photooftheday, #beautiful, #love, #fashion,#happy, #followme, #like4like, #acupuncture #amityvile #amityvilleacupuncture #wellness #weightloss #microneedling #ozempic #skincare #teamwellness #drhurme #amityvillewellness #natural #agewell #fitnessgoals #beautiful #motivation #viral #followme Book your Appointment today! https://acusimple.com/access/9290/#/appointments/ Did you know acupuncture has been found to be an effective treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome? Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is burning, scalding or tingling sensation in the tongue, mouth and gums. BMS is also sometimes referred to as oral neuralgia. This condition is estimated to occur in 4-18% of the population, or 90-120 out of 100,000 people. There is no known cause, no known cure. The most common medication prescribed is klonopin, or clonazepam, an anti-epileptic and panic disorder medication. Unfortunately pharmaceutical treatments are often ineffective. It tends to occur more frequently in people 50 years or older and women are 7 times more likely to develop it than men. Multiple studies have found acupuncture is useful in both reducing BMS via the Heart, Stomach and Large Intestine channels as well as lowering the comorbidity of anxiety?
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Learn about our red light sale and more about our celebration of Earth day! Click here to Check out our latest review! "I love this place ! My acupuncturist devin it’s awesome and professional; the whole staff it’s very pleasant and also the massage from junior were amazing . Thanks everybody" edit. #patientreview #amityvilleacupuncture #amityville #acupuncture #weloveourjob #weloveourpatients #microneedling #redlighttherapy Our thoughts and hearts are with the Diller family and all NYPD during this difficult time. We will donate 10% of all sales on Friday, 3/29/24 to the Diller family. #backtheblue #nypd #amityvilleacupuncture Good evening from your favorite acupuncturists and Ranger! Be sure to take advantage of our 25% Microneedling and Nanoneedling bundle! That's a saving of $750!
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August 2024
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