Microneedling Experts in Long Island
At Amityville Wellness our Acupuncture Practitioners use Traditional Chinese Medicine Techniques. TCM uses a system of sign and symptom pattern recognition and treatment. These signs and symptoms are determined through a consistent series of questioning, examination of the tongue, and palpation of the pulse. Patients may present with a simple pattern or, more commonly, with multiple patterns. The combinations of patterns explains how, in practice, TCM can treat such varied complaints. .
. . TCM does not claim to cure the disease, only to relieve the symptoms by bringing the body to a balanced state of health. If the balance is maintained, symptoms will not return. . . . Let us help you, Live Life in Balance.
After a long weekend, get back on track to being well. Book your appointments for Massage Therapy and Acupuncture treatments on our Amityville Wellness App available in the App Store or Google Play Store. It’s both convenient and easy to use!
“The interesting health benefits of thyme include its ability to relieve stress, reduce respiratory issues, improve heart health, boost the strength of the immune system, protect against chronic diseases, stimulate blood flow, and prevent fungal infections.” .
. . -Organicfacts.net #themoreyouknow #monday #health #benefits #thyme #herbs #chineseherbalmedicine #herbalist #bewell #eatwell #livewell #foodismedicine #livelifeinbalance #acupuncture #massagetherapy #journeytowell #amityvillewellness #amityville #newyork #drhurme It is peak time for seasonal allergies!
. . . The health benefits associated with Massage Therapy include stress reduction, increased circulation and boosted immunity which can also improve your overall tolerance of allergy symptoms. . . . Our signature Rejuvenating Cupping Facial and Indian Head Massage treatments work perfectly to relieve allergy symptoms. Both treatments help relieve sinus trouble and overall stress and tension from the head and face. . . . Don't let these allergies ruin the beautiful days ahead. Book a massage here at Amityville Wellness to increase your overall well being and Live Life in Balance this spring! . . . #amityvillewellness #livelifeinbalance #bewell #allergyrelief #indianheadmassage #rejuvenatingcuppingfacial #cuppingtherapy #massagetherapy #massage #wellness #drhurme #amityville #longisland #newyork At Amityville Wellness we treat all different conditions through Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Cupping Therapy & Chinese Herbal Medicine.
. . . Here are some conditions we commonly see: • Cancer • Infertility, Pregnancy, Labor & Postpartum • Musculoskeletal Pain • Fibromyalgia • Headaches • Stress & Anxiety • Allergies & Sinusitis • Constipation/Diarrhea & IBS • Acid Reflux/Gerd • PMS & Menopause • General Medicine . . . Find out how we can help you Live Life in Balance. Visit our website amityvillewellness.com or give us a call at 631.691.0200 for more information. . . . #amityvillewellness #livelifeinbalance #acu #acupuncture #massage #massagetherapy #cuppingtherapy #cupping #chineseherbalmedicine #herbs #bewell #drhurme #amityville #longisland #newyork Reaching out to the Northwest Elementary school to help local teachers de-stress, relax and heal. #AmityvilleWellness, #TeacherAppreciation, #AlmostSummer
Congratulations to Central Orthopedic Group grand opening! Look forward to working and collaborating closely with you for for the betterment of of our community. 💚 #AmityvilleWellness, #WeLoveOurCommunity,
November 2024
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