Microneedling Experts in Long Island
Curious about acupuncture? Know someone who is in pain? Acupuncture needles are extremely fine, flexible, and are about the diameter of a human hair. They are nothing like the hypodermic needles we remember as children and no medicine is forced into the muscle. Acupuncture needles are sterile, vacuum packaged, single-use and are disposed of after use. Most patients find acupuncture therapy very relaxing and many fall asleep during therapy. Therapy can also be tailored to patients using acupuncture styles with very shallow needle insertion. The first session will last approximately 60 -75 minutes and includes a full health history and treatment. You will lay comfortable on a massage table with relaxing music during your treatment. Upon completion, a customized therapy plan will be developed. Follow up visits last around 60 minutes. The number of sessions required depends on your condition. Many can be treated in 5-12 sessions, while chronic or degenerative conditions may require tune-ups after the initial series of therapy sessions. Book your appointment today!
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October 2024
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