Often people ask us: "What should I do after an acupuncture treatment?" The first thing we would like to tell you is to do what is good for the body to maintain the relaxation. We highly encourage you to relax to embrace what the acupuncture treatment was performed on you to do. Sometimes our bodies will react in different ways to the treatment, this is GOOD! We want you to experience that change! We recommend you: Avoid Caffeine ~ It is time for your body to ease down, not fire back up! You also want to make sure you hydrate. By taking diuretics you are withdrawing your body of it's water content.
No, No TV ~ You don't need it today. Sit down and read a book instead. Get your mind imagining, not brainwashed by advertisements and made up reality TV shows. Eat Healthy ~ Don't go straight to ordering pizza or a Big Mac! Have fruit, vegetables, and whole foods. Lightly Exercise ~ Go for a slow walk around the block or to a Yoga class. Try not to go right to lighting heavy weights!! Keep things at ease! Use Heat Over Ice ~ Choose heat over a cold pack when soothing muscles. It'll help keep the blood flood moving - exactly what we want to keep you doing! Relax ~ Stay where the energy is calm. Be alone for some time and enjoy the moment.
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August 2024
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